At the REAL Hospital


Well, Lauren, we’ve been checked into the Mercy hospital where we’ll be having you…whether or not we get to see you today is undecided.  This all started back at our regular doctor’s visit at 5pm today. The doctors determined that Mommy had high blood pressure and since we’re so close to your due date, the doctor decided to send us to the hospital.

When we got that news, Mommy, Nana, and I went home, packed our bags in preparation of staying overnight at the hospital. We loaded up the car and went straight to In-N-Out Burger to grab a quick dinner before checking in at Mercy Gilbert.

So now Mommy and Daddy are, again, in the hospital listening to your heartbeat, except this time Nana is in the lobby.  We’re going to have to stay a bit longer since our nurse just told us the urine sample Mommy left was dropped and now we have to leave another sample.  We’ll have to see what happens. Love you and hope to see you soon.
