Best Weekend of 2012!

This weekend was the best weekend for Mommy and Daddy.  On Friday, we started the day off right.  We all three went to Joe’s Farm Grill and had some really tastey waffles.  Following breakfast, we went to Target to get water, formula, and such but after relaxing at home for a few hours, Mommy and Daddy took you to the park nearby and Mommy and Daddy played basketball!!!!  Mommy and Daddy aren’t very active, but we’re trying to be healthy and active…I know I just told you we had fattening waffles, just ignore that part.  🙂

Anyway, after our healthy, active 30 minutes of basketball, we headed in to make sure you weren’t in the heat too much.  Thankfully there was a tree that provided shade that we could sit you under as we played basketball.  It was fun, but got hot really fast.

Another great thing that happened this weekend was Miss Linden and Aunt Boogie came over and babysat you for a few hours, letting Mommy and Daddy have time to themselves for the first time since December when Mommy and Daddy went to the Go Daddy Christmas Party.  Mommy and Daddy went to the Chandler Mall and walked around, noticing all the changes since we don’t go to that mall much.  Even though we were away from you, we ended up thinking of you and buying for you.  We found you some cute sunglasses to wear since it’s so bright out.  We got some for you and your friend, Lyla.  While at the Chandler Mall, we decided to stay and eat at a great restaurant, BJ’s Brewery.  It was very delicious and so great to be together with your Mommy alone.  We both love you VERY MUCH, Lauren, but sometimes Mommy and Daddy like to be by ourselves and enjoy our relationship with each other.

It was a great weekend and Mommy and Daddy definitely loved going on our little date night.  Thanks Miss Linden and Aunt Boogie!!!