Christmas decorations

Here come the Christmas decorations!

We just got our Christmas tree put up.  I’d like to tell you a story about how we acquired this tree.  It isn’t just any tree, it’s very special to Mommy and Daddy.  Before we were pregnant with you, we experienced REAL Christmas Spirit.

Last year, as I’ve told you before, we didn’t have much money and we lived in a super small apartment.  Back then, we often did fun things to help us stay positive.  Last Christmas, we didn’t have a Christmas tree, so to being the creative Daddy that I am, I constructed a Christmas tree out of cardboard boxes, a floor lamp, and a white sheet.

That’s what I created since we didn’t have the money to buy a Christmas tree.

NOW for the story of Christmas Spirit.  It was on the evening of December 21, 2010.  Mommy and Daddy had just finished looking at Christmas lights around Tempe with Aunt Boogie and Ms. Linden (Grandma).  We got to our apartment door and noticed a giant box just sitting outside of our door.  …Well, if I typed out the whole story, it would defeat the purpose of me posting the video we took.  Watch it below!

To those special Christmas Elves from last year:  We will always be thankful of what you did for us.  Not only did you bless our lives then, but you’ve blessed our lives now and will continue to bless us in the future.  The tree you’ve given us is so pretty and our baby loves looking at it.  It’s so great to have this tree as our baby’s first Christmas tree.