First reaction to Santa…on TV

IT’S THANKSGIVING!  Today, even though it’s Thanksgiving, Daddy had to work.  Thankfully, it was holiday pay AND it was only for 4 hours!  So, I came home early at 10am and we started to cook our Thanksgiving meal.  This year, like last, we’re changing it up and having ham instead of turkey.  Mommy and Daddy are more likely to eat the leftovers of ham than turkey, so that’s why we’ve made the change from our normal traditions.  Previous years we would cook a turkey, carve it, eat what was on our plates, fall asleep and would throw out what was left of the bird.  We ruled it wasteful to spend $20 on a turkey that would last us one meal because we didn’t carve out and save the leftovers.

So, we’re all home now.  Ham is in the oven, Mommy is holding you and we’re now watching the dog show.  Just before the dog show came on, we watched the parade.  I made it home in time for the end of the parade, which included SANTA!  When you saw Santa for the first time on TV you threw your arms up in the air.  We’re not sure if you did that because of seing Santa, or if that was because you were pooping, but it still made a great picture.

More Thanksgiving posts to come…