Hospital Visit #3

Its that time again.  Mommy’s feeling Braxton Hix contractions and timed cramping, so we’re back to the hospital. Right now I’m waiting in the lobby while you and Mommy are behind a curtain inside the glassed secretary office. I can hear them testing your heartbeat but I can’t determine much else. I’ll let you know more updates as they happen.


(later on)




We’re all checked in, took another FFn test, listening to your heartbeat, and waiting for the results of your FFn.

(later on)

We were sent home from the hospital again with no risk of labor and no answers as to why mommy was having cramps and light contractions. They did another FFn test and that came back negative, meaning you’re not likely to come within the next couple of weeks. We’re really excited for you to be here, but you’re not exactly ready. Almost there, but you need to stay in the oven, little cupcake. Love you!
