Just before Birth

Could be 1/2 hour from now, or it could be a couple hours. See you in a bit.

Woo, Mommy’s now at 10cm dilated!! You’re birthday is definitely going to be October 2nd.

The nurses just came in to help Mommy roll over to her other side. They checked all the regular things, temperature, blood pressure, contractions, heart rates and cervix measurements. We’re now at 4-5cm dilated and there’s a bit of bleeding…which the nurses told us is what we want to happen. Still have our fingers crossed to see you before 7am…that’s when the next shift changes for the nurses. 😀

I just had some yummy hospital chicken, broccoli, carrots, and rice. Yum! Unfortunately for Mommy, since she is havin’ fun with her epidural, she cannot eat anything. It’s now nap time. Mommy needs some rest before she starts to push you out. See ya in the morning!!!!!!

We’ve got the TV set to relaxing sounds and views of grass, the Epidural is giving Mommy plenty of ease, and, well, in goes the catheter.

Epidural is now in full swing. Mommy is smiling again! 🙂

Contractions are getting more intense and about 2-3 minutes apart.

Lauren, here’s your status. Mommy and Daddy checked into our hospital around noon. The original appointment was to get checked in at 9am, however they were out of rooms. So we went to get your last fast food meal, McDonald’s. After eating a yummy greasy breakfast, we headed for the hospital. When we arrived, the nurse showed us to our room, hooked you up to the monitors and drew Mommy’s blood.

I haven’t mentioned in my previous blogs about our experiences with drawing blood, but I feel now, you should know. Basically, we have a hard time with it. Mommy has special veins…they’re almost invisible. This tends to make things harder on the doctors. When we were in the hospital the other day, the nurse had an extremely hard time getting Mommy’s blood. She tried to get blood from both of her arms and still couldn’t get much. The first time we drew blood, way back when you were the size of a pea, was the scariest. Mommy hadn’t had much to eat that day (because it was morning) and she was a bit dehydrated from the Arizona heat. The nurse started to take the blood from Mommy’s arm and during the process, Mommy passed out. She closed her eyes, dropped her head, slouched in her chair, and started to snore. I was SUPER scared for Mommy but the nurses woke her up, gave her some cold water and got her back on her feet. She was a bit nausiated after that, but after some rest, she was back to her normal self.

ANYWAY, back to you and the status update. So mommy got her blood drawn, got an IV setup, and started induction techniques that I won’t bore you with. Basically, Mommy took a pill, it helps dialate, after 4 hours we dialated 1cm making her a total of 3cm. We’re now taking another pill, and after 4 hours (3 hours from now) we’ll check it again (around 9pm). Following that, we’ll be moving on to other induction techniques. We’ll be seeing you soon…I KNOW IT!!!