Live Free or Sleep Hard

Today Mommy went our shopping with her friend Melissa.  While she was gone it was Daddy/Daughter Day.  It started off pleasant.  You were in your bouncer and Daddy just put in the DVD Live Free or Die Hard.  We started watching the movie and got about 5 minutes into it when you started getting hungry.  I paused the movie, fixed you a fresh, warm bottle, put you in my arms, fed you the bottle and played the movie.  You continued to eat and after 15 minutes you fell asleep.

Before I continue any further, I have to let you know something.  Lauren, when you were younger, Mommy and Daddy would often feed you on the couch and when you fell asleep, we’d place you in your bouncer and let you nap.  Things have changed.  Lately, during the transition from our arms to your bouncer, you’ll either wake up from being such a lite sleeper, or you’ll notice that you are no longer in a warm place.

Now, with that information, as I watched Die Hard, I considered my options: either put you in your bouncer and risk waking you up and you getting upset…or…keeping you asleep in my arms, allowing me to watch my movie.  I decided to keep you in my arms.

Surprisingly, you slept through the whole movie!  Thankfully my arm didn’t fall asleep through the two hours of holding you in my arms.  This is a record for hold long I’ve held you without moving you.  🙂  I love you, Lauren.  You’re still getting bigger and stronger everyday.  You’re still doing a great job sitting up…not completely by yourself yet, but you’re getting stronger.

Love, Dad