We have your stroller and carseat!

Lauren, Mommy and I are so excited to have checked off a MAJOR requirement for your arrival, THE STROLLER AND CAR-SEAT!!!! We went to Buy Buy Baby, looked at their strollers, found one we liked but we still weren’t sure. Afterwards we went to Babies ‘R Us. We looked at their strollers, didn’t like their selection, debated on what we were going to do, and decided to go straight back to Buy Buy Baby and get the stroller we were looking at.

You have no idea how crazy Mommy and Daddy are. We were so excited to have your stroller that we didn’t think about how we were going to get the HUGE box into the trunk of our Honda Accord. Before I tell you what we did, I need to set the stage. It’s 8:30pm, cloudy dark sky, we’re in the parking lot of stores that are closing, and the worst thing is…that the parking lot lights are not on!!! It was pitch black in that parking lot. So now begins the story…we decided to open the box, remove the disassembled stroller/car-seat, and fill our trunk with the parts. After walking around like blind people trying to find parts that fell onto the asphalt, we then had another problem…what are we going to do with the huge box?? We decided to fold it as much as possible and then put it in the backseat…which is where Mommy sits. We managed to get everything in our little car and head home…but we didn’t go straight home…we went to get some yummy Filiberto’s and then get home in time for the season premiere of The Jersey Shore. đŸ™‚

We’re still awaiting your arrival. We heard from Nana Foresee and she’s already got her plane ticket booked so she can come out and see your birth. We’re all excited for you!!! I love you and Mommy says to stop kicking her. See you in a few weeks!
