
Well, Lauren, we’re all sick again. First Daddy was sick, having a sore throat, cough, runny nose, and fever. Now Mommy, you and Daddy are sick. The weather is still a little cool outside, so we’re trying to keep you warm at night. I can’t wait for the warmer weather to arrive.

In a few days its going to be Mommy’s birthday…shortly followed by Daddy’s birthday. Daddy has requested the next week off work so we can all be together and have a relaxing vacation. We’re not going anywhere…just relaxing.  Hopefully we will all be healthy by then.

You’re getting so big, so fast, Lauren. You can wave bye-bye, say please and all done in sign language, you can say the words Dada, mom, and no, and you’ve mastered walking. You’re so beautiful and cute. I still love the way your hair covers half your face, only revealing your right eye. You know how to push your hair back with your hands. You know a lot.  I enjoy you everyday. I love you so much!