For my baby girl

Hospital Visit #4

Well, Lauren, we’ve been checked into the Mercy hospital where we’ll be having you…whether or not we get to see you today is undecided.  This all started back at our regular doctor’s visit at 5pm today. The doctors determined that…
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Baby Blogging

False Alarm

You tricked us again, Lauren. Mommy, Daddy, and Nana were at the hospital til almost midnight waiting on lab work to return. Everything came back fine and Mommy’s blood pressure went down too.  With that, the hospital sent us home….
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Baby Blogging

30 Day Eviction Notice

30  Day Notice to Perform or Quit Date (dd/mm/yyyy): 09/01/11 Tenant’s Name:  Lauren Ava Foresee Address of Rental Unit: Mommy’s tummy   This notice is to inform you that your actions have violated the following rules according to the terms of your rental…
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Baby Blogging

Nothing Again

We were sent home from the hospital again with no risk of labor and no answers as to why mommy was having cramps and light contractions. They did another FFn test and that came back negative, meaning you’re not likely…
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Baby Blogging

Hospital Visit #3

Its that time again.  Mommy’s feeling Braxton Hix contractions and timed cramping, so we’re back to the hospital. Right now I’m waiting in the lobby while you and Mommy are behind a curtain inside the glassed secretary office. I can…
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Baby Blogging